Sunday, May 2, 2010

Trevor Graduates BCT!

Well the day finally arrived! Trevor graduated from Army Basic Training, and we were able to see him for 2 very, very short days. It was a blast, and we wouldn't have missed it for the world. Pictures are both on Facebook, and also here. Right now Trevor is at Ft. Benning, getting ready to start Officer Candidate School. It is much harder than Basic Training, both mentally and physically. Luckily, he has his phone and if nothing drastic happens, we will get to talk every night. He will eventually receive weekend passes, giving Kara and I the opportunity to go visit him. Hopefully this will all work out, and I'm confident that the next 12 weeks will go by pretty quick!

Kara is scooting, and there have been times where she has put her hands and knees forward. I don't think it's clicked just yet, but I think my days with a somewhat stationary baby are numbered. She is also eating 'big people' food; sweet potatoes, carrots, bananas, apples, peaches - all pureed of course.

Until next time!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Another Month To Go!!!!

Trevor has exactly ONE MONTH to go at Basic Training. He is doing amazing, and kicking butt with every challenge he is faced with. He missed the "Expert" Marksman on the rifle by 2 shots. I do know that he had water in his scope, so we're both confident that he would have made it if it were clean.

Kara is trying to scoot and growing by the minute. She tries so hard to pull herself up into a sitting position while laying down and has succeeded just once. Both of her bottom teeth have popped through, but they didn't seem to bother her much.

Next weekend Gary and Linda are going to swing by on their way to Minnesota and I couldn't be happier! I know they're coming to see Kara but the visit will be fun I'm sure!!

Hopefully everyone else is met with better weather than here - 50s, wind, snow/rain is NOT ideal for this lizard wannabe!!

Have a happy day :)

- Natalie.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Update on Trevor!!

He is doing well, and is finally over his sickness. I spoke with him today, and the Drill Sergeants have backed off considerably. They more or less are giving direction now, instead of just physically tiring the guys out. That was nice to hear... not that I could do anything about it, but I'm glad to find out that he'll finally be getting some rest.

For the next couple of weeks he will be qualifying on the rifle, perfecting his Physical Test score, and practicing for graduation.

We both have a countdown going, and we can't wait to have this milestone under our belts! We're not even anywhere near done with his training, but I definitely look forward to actually talking to him daily!!

Thursday, February 25, 2010


Received a small letter from Trevor today, which listed his Company's website. It can be found here

It says that photos will be updated every training cycle, so I'm hoping they hold true to that.

If you click on the "Basic Combat Training" link, it will take you to the description of the Phases Trevor will be going through. He's already gone through Reception, and will be in Red Phase until the third week. The third to sixth week is White Phase, and the final 3 weeks are Blue Phase.

That's it for now. If his platoon earns it, he might get his phone on Sunday. Fingers crossed!!

- Natalie.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What could be better than finding Shiner Bock beer in the middle of Podunk, Ohio??

A phone call from Trevor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!!! I received an address for him today. I have already sent an email to family, but if you would like to write him an encouraging letter, or just to say hi, let me know and i'll share the address!! 

He sounded very very tired, but really wanted to know what all was happening on the home front. I hope I didn't bore him, it seemed like it went by so fast! He said that he should be calling Sunday, but I know from personal experiance that if the platoon doesn't behave, they all suffer. And the first thing to go are phone calls. Boo!! 

More to come as the letters and phone calls start coming in!!

- Natalie. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

It's 2 in the Morning...

and poor Trevor was just getting into Fort Leonard Wood. It was literally a 30 second conversation, basically telling me that he got in safely and that he'd be talking to me soon. I wasn't given an address, but once that comes along I will let everyone know!

That's all for now!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Well, Today's the Big Day!

Today is the day Trevor officially leaves for Basic Training. I've talked to him twice, and we've been texting throughout the morning as well. He is done with his last physical, and is basically waiting for everyone else to get done with theirs, so that they can shuttle off to the airport. From there, he will be flown to Missouri [I don't know the exact city] and will take a bus to Fort Leonard Wood. These first few days are called "Reception", where he will complete paperwork, get shots and another physical. Technically, Week One starts on 21 February. Basic Training will last 9 weeks, and if I looked at the calendar correctly, his tentative graduation date will be 23 April.

That's all I've got for now, as I'm updated I will continue to post. Thanks for checking in!

On a Kara related note, she does not like bananas.